Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Girl Scouts

Ah Girl Scout camp...some of the best summer memories....and surprisingly no terrible ones. There were definitely bad years, but as memories they still seem amazing. Recently an old friend from my early years of camp resurfaced on Facebook. It is weird to think that the little girl I remember sitting around the campfire on the Monday night of camp or asking questions about bugs on the nature hike is now a nurse....oh yeah, and I'm a college graduate. I'm not sure when I reached this point in my life but I sincerely do not need my parents to help me figure out which car insurance to have or agree to a neighborhood to live in based on crime statistics (those I always fudged if they didn't totally agree with what I is purely based on how safe you are....most of the time) . I now am moving to a new city, have enough money in savings to survive for over a year without starving, and I am not 100% freaked out about it. Geez, and I thought being a senior was old....
As a Brownie in Girl Scouts I picked out a camp name. All of the adults and (most excitingly) the seniors had camp names. Sydney and I chose Thunder and Lightning. I was Lightning because I came first. Our friends all chose derivations from that, one was cloud and another rain, but we were the only two girls from our cabin that made it through high school as girl scouts and had the opportunity to become seniors with those names. The name tag I am getting rid of today is one from one of the four years as a senior. In those years we participated in skits, helped the kitchen staff, and served as temporary assistant cabin leaders during the day. As much as those years were the hardest of camp, they seem to be the most memorable. It could just be that I am closest to those years. Either way I will never forget the pancake breakfast, the years spent forgetting shower sandals and packing weird costumes for the different themed days at camp. I will always be Rebecca, but to a few I will also be Lightning.
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