Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Whew, the holidays can wreak havoc on a person trying to live with fewer things. But luckily, I also had a chance to get rid of random things in my room to make room for things I got as presents. First, I have obviously failed at my initial plan, and while I have not gotten rid of one thing every day, I still have the motivation to live with less and less. Getting back to Chicago with twice as much stuff as I left with did not encourage me in my goal to continue to get rid of things, luckily a lot of that was candy and other edible things so it won't be staying around long. I did go through all of my old school things and get rid of notes I will no longer need, and organized my shelves to that everything fit neatly (it probably won't stay that way). Friday I plan to go through my closet again, with new clothes from Christmas who needs years old clothes from previous Christmases. I have begun to realize that I buy very little of my clothing items, and I don't mind that so much, my style is easily recognizable in a store and the quality that others by for me is higher than the quality that I would buy for myself. However, I still have a lot of extra items that I will not be needing with new shirts and dresses from Christmas!

I have been looking into moving into an apartment by myself next year though. I love to come home to just my pets and not have to think about washing the dishes before my roommate gets annoyed, even if I'm usually the person who would get annoyed with dirty dishes first, the freedom of not having to wash dishes before bed is totally worth it. If I do end up living by myself next school year I hope to be able to live in a nearly empty apartment, it is so much easier getting rid of things when you move into a new place than once you are settled, and living by myself I can live like that.

Enough for now about randomness, but I am still hoping to reduce my items a considerable amount by next school year, so the anniversary of this blog. Even if it is not the equivalent of one item a day, I think I will still have learned something about the materialistic ways I can live while still wanting to be a minimalist. So hears another crack at reducing my things, hopefully next time I write I will have good things to report!

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