Monday, August 9, 2010

One Week

I leave Austin in a little less than one week for Chicago. While this does not warrant my lack of a post yesterday, it still serves the purpose of making my brain freak out silently about everything I have to get done before I go. Moving is always a hard thing to do, there is so much to get done, and often it is hard to even figure out what it is that needs to be done. For today's item I am getting rid of a couple things from one of the first places I went to when moving to Austin. At UT I worked in the convenience store in the dorms I lived in, and started about a week after I moved in, and worked there diligently for two years. While I had problems through those years, with my coworkers (mostly it was just that a few got on my nerves or that many did not like to work their hours during finals) I attribute a lot of my maturity to that job. In the beginning I was shy, scared to man a cash register because it meant I had to talk to all of the customers, and by the end that was my favorite part, even after I was promoted. That job brought me out of my shell, allowed me to realize that I was not going to be negatively judged by every person. In high school I was shy, but still had many friends and was liked by most people. Coming to UT, which was about 100 times the size of my high school, I felt dwarfed, only to slowly realize I am only as small as I allow myself to be. Most people see a city as what they experience in it every day, few people can draw a good, full map of their city, but rather know just the parts that they drive through, or work in, or live near. While Austin has almost 1 million people, Chicago has nearly 3 million, yet I know that once I get settled I will find my niche and not need to feel the pressure of those millions of people.
Here's to new beginnings, by getting rid of part of my beginning in Austin I will be able to see Chicago in a better light.

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