Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Check in
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Buttons (pictures will be added this evening)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
New Inspiration!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Out with the old
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Now for my items I'm getting rid of, which is where he title comes in. I no longer have the item this plug belongs to....I'm not sure what happened to it though and while I feel a little bad about getting rid of a plug to a lost item when it might turn up...I probably don't need that either since I can't find it. The shirt is a hard one. I already don't really have enough clothes, but I feel strange wearing this shirt, even when I wore it in Texas I felt weird so these feelings are not new, it just is not quite my style as much as I want it to be. So there goes two more items..I may have to go clothes shopping this weekend though, I barely have enough clothes for a week...eek!
Monday, August 23, 2010
I missed two days this time, and almost missed today.... I got distracted baking bread and working, but mostly baking. Today was my first day of class in Chicago. A little crazy, but I'm beginning to feel a little more prepared for grad school. I think one of the girls I recently made friends with isn't so hot on being my friend, and I'm ok with that. I actually think the person I like the most of all the people I've met so far is my roommate. I am really excited about that, she seems like a neat person and nice and everything, so hopefully we will be friends, if not at least we are friendly roommates! Class seems like it will be similar to an undergrad class, so I can handle that, but maybe this time I will try to do the reading... try.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Girl Scouts
As a Brownie in Girl Scouts I picked out a camp name. All of the adults and (most excitingly) the seniors had camp names. Sydney and I chose Thunder and Lightning. I was Lightning because I came first. Our friends all chose derivations from that, one was cloud and another rain, but we were the only two girls from our cabin that made it through high school as girl scouts and had the opportunity to become seniors with those names. The name tag I am getting rid of today is one from one of the four years as a senior. In those years we participated in skits, helped the kitchen staff, and served as temporary assistant cabin leaders during the day. As much as those years were the hardest of camp, they seem to be the most memorable. It could just be that I am closest to those years. Either way I will never forget the pancake breakfast, the years spent forgetting shower sandals and packing weird costumes for the different themed days at camp. I will always be Rebecca, but to a few I will also be Lightning.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Anyway, my blog is not about family and holidays but about getting rid of unwanted or not necessary items. After Thanksgiving my first year in college I took home left overs (mostly mashed potatoes and turkey if I remember correctly) in this tupperware. Since then I have used this for food of my own, and always intended to return it to it's owner. My cousin definitely does not need any more storage containers in her house and this was an old one, but I still feel bad borrowing and not returning....however, with the scratches in one corner, the fact that I have had it for almost 5 years and she does not have room for this one in her cabinets I think it is safe to say I can throw this tupperware away without feeling bad about it.
But how am I going to spend Thanksgiving when I am in Chicago!?
Monday, August 9, 2010
One Week
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sentimental Donations
In high school someone organized a blood drive every year. Usually it was for our exit project, but inevitably one student would gather up the organizations required and set up a blood drive in the gym. The strange part about doing a blood drive in a high school is that most of the students are not allowed to donate blood. My senior year I donated my first pint, and since then I have worked my way up to over a gallon.... unfortunately not at the same place, so I don't get a cool shirt for it, but I did get a pint of ice cream this time. This is my first pint past a gallon and it was also one of my hardest, I'm not sure if the needle just didn't go in quite right, or if my vein wasn't sticking out as much as usual, but either way, it hurt more than normal. It is always a little irritating to have a needle in your arm slowly sucking blood out, but I think it is worth it. Not only do I feel like I did something good by donating blood, I only had to root around my house to find ONE thing I would get rid of today. Yesterday, while I planned to blog after a museum excursion, I ended up attending a music performance with a friend... and was there til past 1am. By the time I got home I practically fell asleep in the doorway. Probably not the best to do on a night before donating blood, but I did still get 8 hours of sleep. Not only do I get a feeling of being able to help out when I donate blood, but I also know that I can continue to donate for my life, or until I get a false positive for some kind of disease.... That's the part that always scares me the most. I had a friend who was called once after donating blood and told she had Hepatitis C, luckily it was determined that the test was incorrect. The few days of calling the doctors and getting new tests run made the whole experience scarier than I would ever want to imagine. Hopefully for me I can eventually donate in all 50 states (that's a lot of blood) and never get a false positive for anything! So one pint of blood down, now a physical object to remove from my pile of stuff in this small apartment.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I love to accessorize. Shoes are my main accessory of choice, mostly because they are easy. Necklaces get in the way, earrings and bracelets end up distracting me more than providing an addition to the outfit. Shoes however, must be worn to get into most places and therefore are an excellent resource to add color to an outfit. These pink shoes provided a colorful pop to many a work outfit.
While I love shoes I am a bargain shopper. I also find that the best shoes are at thrift stores. These are also the cheapest. Over the years I have gone through periods where I wore a different pair of shoes every day of the week, at one point I had abou 30 pairs of shoes...but as I started moving every year I realized these shoes weigh me down and take up way too much space in my small car when I move. In my economizing I saved 4 pairs of shoes for fun and two work-out shoes...but occasionally grab an extra pair. I recently bought a pair of gray shoes (I know, no color in that) and will be moving out my neon pink heels to make room for those.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cleaning Day
Today I cleaned the house. I like to do a full cleaning once a week. This means picking up all the chairs so I can sweep and mop under them as well as dusting almost the entire place. I will be the first to point out that behind the TV is dusty but I don't feel like trying to get around the stairs and a bunch of cords to clean that out. I probably will next week, just before I leave. This week I mopped and cleaned the dishes while watching Law and Order: SVU of my addictions. Afterward I was able to go through my drawer in the bathroom, I was supposed to share the drawer with my sister but she doesn't have very much stuff and mine takes up most of the drawer. In the process I found another contact case. This one actually glows in the dark and can be a bit scary to wake up to when I'm sleeping over at a friend's house and forget that I had it on the bedside table.
I'm pretty sure these were also a gift from my mom. In the process of getting rid of things I find myself discovering items I didn't even remeember I owned. Many of these items are gifts also. At what point is it ok to get rid of a present. I almost always treasure a gift from someone, even if it is not something I would usually buy for myself. Maybe especially when that is the case. This contact case I have used for over a year, yet I still feel a twinge of guilt and sadness because this case was a fun item that I received from someone I care about and who cares about me. Often I will opt out of purchasing an item I can get for free from somewhere else, in this example my optometrist. I do still enjoy having a fun case to use and, however I obviously collected many such cases when I only need one. Therefore away with another one. Hopefully I will learn to keep my drawers and shelves clear of clutter after this.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A few things
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The best
Sometimes in life you find the best. Whether it is the best ice cream flavor, best route during rush hour, best friend, or best book. All of these things are subjective of course, but some can be shared. Usually the best, and I do mean absolute best, of anything shapes a peroson's life. For me, the best book was The Stand. In sixth grade I carried this book around like it was my one prized possesion. After a month of heavy reading I finished the book. Since then I have been a Stephen King addict. The Stand allowed me to discover myself...or who I thought I was as a twelve year old. After finishing the story and developing close bonds with each character I was left with a new part inside but also an emtiness because our lives (the characters and mine) were now separated. I read It later and again connected with the children, cried when someone died and rejoiced when the evil was finally taken down. I still have a secret spot in my heart and if Stu or Ben or any other character were to walk into my life I would take them in like family.
In college I left my copy of The Stand behind, but grabbed the opportunity to buy a hard bound copy when I saw a cheap version in a thrift store while browsing. Years later I still haven't reread this book, though I used parts of it in my college entrance essays and always plan to start back in at that slow day when the car ran into the pump at the gas station... Of course Stephen King is a highly produced author. His works span the nation and can be found for mere pennies in some stores. Finding a copy of any of his books only requires a few minutes and the will to look.
If this book was the exact copy that I called my Bible for almost a month...maybe even sixth grade it might not be moving this early. I know if I need a copy of this I can find a copy of this...therefore I will let this one go. Bests move in and out of your life, and some only change. But most of the time they are remembered forever.
Friday, July 30, 2010
I am a major candy it is no surprise that I have interesting candy containers that could be used as other storage everywhere. All of my earrings have been stored in a gummy bear box for a long time and I pack my makeup in another similar tin. Today I get rid of one of these. This kind has always been my least favorite, even though I think the most interesting, because it is so hard to open!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
As a kid I always hated catseye marbles. A few years ago I got this yellow marble for Christmas...and I could never bring myself to get rid of it. It never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to get rid of something the longer I hold onto it. That is precisely why I started this blog, and why, even on a night when I am exhausted as today I will try to choose one item still to get rid of. This weekend a trip to goodwill to donate everything! I will have to print up papers so my items can lead people back to here!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A good friend left Austin today to study abroad for the fall semester. Usually this would not be a big deal, but this time I will not be in Austin when he returns. I met Jose my second year at UT. He was a friend of my roommates. I actually met him the Christmas of my first year but didn't know anything about him. I also didn't like him because of it, he just seemed so strange. He started school the next year. After church nearly every Sunday Jose would come over to make lunch or dinner at our apartment and we quickly became good friends. Soon I began partying with him and spending time with him nearly every day whether it was lunch, dinner, or during a workout. Sometimes he would stop by the store where I worked and every weekend we would party. I'm not sure how I survived my second year of school with the amount of partying we did. We danced when no one else danced and continued to dance even after the party died down around us. But we also made pizza, did ab workouts, and ate in the school cafeteria together. Over the years he became my best friend.
His second year of school, my third, saw us living together in a house with two other people. Here our friendship continued to grow as we watched "I Love New York" and "America's Next Top Model" together on Tuesdays when I got home from class and he had the day off. We continued to party, but I also got a boyfriend so I didn't spend all my time with Jose any more and while we grew apart, we remained close still. I met more people through Jose than I have in the rest of my college life. While I'm not friends with all of these people, I still feel that the amount of time I spent enriching my social abilities because of him allowed me to be the person I am today. In the last four years I have grown along with Jose and he will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't know if we will grow up and live near each other, but I hope that we stay in contact. I know I am horrible at keeping in touch with people I do not see often, and I fear this could be nearly the end of my friendship with Jose. But I will invite him to my wedding, and send him pictures of the children I don't plan on having. He is a friend I will always include in my memories of life at UT. Jose made each part of school more exciting, and allowed me to be myself while peer pressuring me into things I am glad I did. Only a few times do I regret going downtown with him and not getting enough sleep for whatever activity I had planned the next day. He has seen me at my best and worst, and everything in between.
The sunglasses I am getting rid of today, while not the actual sunglasses I have worn with Jose, instantly reminded me of him. For a few weeks last spring he wore crazy plastic sunglasses all the time, and still has more pairs of sunglasses than I do shoes (which does say a lot). We even had a few days that we wore sunglasses downtown at 11 at night just so we could wear them. And because we're cool like that.... I will miss Jose more than I know now, and more than most other people I am leaving behind in a few weeks to go to Chicago. I can't wait to see how his trip is going and hopefully catch up, just like we always have when we are apart for a long period of time. Jose, I will miss you, be safe, and wear your sunglasses at night.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Until third grade I was a horrible reader. At the end of my second grade year I was mortally embarrassed when I could not easily participate in the reading circle in class. That summer I decided it was time to learn how to read, and well. Starting small I worked my way up to books I probably only understood halfway. By sixth grade I was the top of my class...and reading Stephen King as well as Sue Grafton...again, I probably did not understand everything that was going on, but I gleamed the basic meaning. Reading became a regular pasttime for me. In my free time I would root through the stack of books in my Dad's book cases hoping to find something interesting.
Since starting reading I have devoured over 30 Stephen King books and caught up with Sue Grafton in her alphabet series. Janet Evanovich was introduced to me by my father. The mildly humorous tone of the stories and the detective theme made these similar to Sue Grafton, yet more interesting because it gave me an opportunity to delve into the mind of a new character. Stephanie Plum falls into every hole possible and dug herself out of each one while tracking down criminals who broke bail. Her inexperience and clumsiness leaves Stephanie in awkward situations. Usually at least one car explodes and a few gun gets fired in each segment of the series.
I always plan to give the books I enjoy to friends. I generally do not get to this. My friends are not interested in the books I read and often I forget them at my place. Metro Girl was not one of these. The story itself was funny but I found the characters full of cliche to an annoying degree. To make a long story short... I wouldn't have planned to share this book with friends, but I still finished reading this particular book over a month ago and kept my copy sitting on the desk since. This provides the perfect opportunity for me to donate this so it can be read and enjoyed by other readers.
Sometimes trashy novels are a great way to increase interest in reading. Any reading increases understanding of our language and is such an amazing source of entertainment at the same time.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Growing Up
I remember thinking that I could never put contacts in. Not only did they seem like such a grown-up thing, but also, who wants to touch their eyeball every day? Gross.
I started wearing glasses around first or second grade, I don't remember which. With my dad's insurance I could get one new pair of glasses a year so I never hesitated to do just that. I had old glasses for years even though my prescription changed every year. I remember my first glasses were round brown ones, I thought they were the time. When I moved into junior girl scouts I got turquoise colored ones, not that I was obsessed with girl scouts, that's just how I recall those glasses. Over the years the frames got smaller and more fancy. Since high school I stopped getting new frames every year and my prescription has also settled into an almost constant spot, but I still remember the days of spending an hour trying on every pair of glasses at the optometrists office.
In high school, I also realized it was time to grow up and get a pair of contacts, which meant I had to choose between contacts and frames because our insurance only covered one new one per year. I never really got used to contacts, there was too much maintenance involved with making sure I kept them clean and protected my eyes etc...etc.. Luckily I have decent vision without correction so I can get by with neither glasses nor contacts when I'm too lazy to deal with them. Still I keep a supply of contacts handy for running (sometimes...usually I just run blind, if you can't really see where you're going how can you tell how far you've run?) and going out clubbing with friends. I tried to wear contacts every day for a while and that was successful for about a year. My current job requires me to look at a computer screen the whole time, which leads to dried out lenses and I was never very good about only wearing them for ten hours a day. The end result of both of those situations is irritated eyes. I still try to wear them occasionally, but rarely for an entire day.
Last time I wore my contacts downtown I woke up the next morning with blood-shot eyes and a red ring around the iris of my eyes....not really a good sign. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a drinker and I always take the time to remove my contacts after a long night of partying. The redness in my eyes had something to do with the contacts. Most bacterial infections from contacts are because of contaminated cleaning fluid so out went that bathroom clutter. I still haven't worn contacts since (it has only been two weeke or so) but Sydney did buy me a new lens case (probably the coolest one I've had) and some new cleaning fluid. Today I throw out my old contaminated lensee and cases, cases I have way too many of, and opt to save only one case with the new cleaner. I will start with a new set of contacts when I wear them next. Hopefully the infection is not a permanent one that will require me to wear glasses instead of contacts forever....although I do like to pick out new frames, so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Unfinished projects.
This weekend I helped a friend work on her condo. We put up greenwall and concrete walls in the shower that she plans to tile next weekend. I have always wanted to redo an apartment or house but have never had the chance, so of course I jumped on the opportunity this summer. While the shower is a lot of work and seems a lot harder than the bath tub her boyfriend and father were working on in the other bathroom I think the work will pay off with a gorgeous full-size shower. Sydney and I left just before the concrete was mixed to pour into the botom but next weekend we will be able to see how it ended up and get to start the finalization process. I realize now that projects always take more time then originally planned for them. Luckily, a condo that will be lived in starting in August must be finished unlike many of my own crafty projects.
Years ago I started a quilt. I always wanted to quilt, the end result is beautiful and it seems like a good way to get your mind off of what is around you. Usually when I am streesed I am too busy to take the time to work on a quilt, surprisingly, I almost finished one....but have not worked on it for over two years. Because of this, I will throw away this unfinished, poor-quality project I always intended to finish. The tree design is made up of many different prints of fall colors and the trunk of different browns. The best part was picking out thhe fabrics and slowly making a plan for how it would turn out. Each different print was picked out over a period of a month and cut into small squares that I sewed together in strips which I then sewed together and even connected the back of the quilt and started quilting...that was where my ambition failed me. I moved back to Austin where it took me a month to find a sewing machine and by then I was busy wih friends, work, and school. Too busy to sew. Collecting dust in my closet, hiding in my old suitcases, and being moved from apartment to apartment, my quilt has finally found its way back into the front of my life. This time to be removed forever. I still struggle with this idea as I know the fabric is all high quality fabric and the hours I spent sewing each piece is now wasted if I never finish the work...but I won't ever finish, only because I know I have no willpower to work on crafty projects for long enough. Goodbye dreams of being a patient quilter. Goodbye bright fall colors. Goodbye soft fabrics. And goodbye hours of work spent over a sewing machine. I wish I would complete you, but since I haven't touched you in 2 years it is time to accept that my patience wih that sort of thing will never beat my desire to be active for the hours I could spend working on crafts.
Maybe I should buy a house to redo, that combines active and crafts.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Saving things from trips has always come naturally to me. The trip to New York left me with many scraps to hold onto memories. Instead I will throw these all away and write about it. I guess the blog won't remind me of my trip as often because, unlike random tickets and brochures, my blog will not fall on my head or give me a papercut as I look in my closet for what to wear in the morning or search through my box of papers for the one important document I left in there. But my blog will have to serve as a reminder of the bright lights and exciting times I had in my short weekend to New York.
The first night my flight was delayed a few hours and I ended up spending four hours in tye Charlotte airport. When I finally arrived at the La Guardia airport I was exhausted and wanted a shower (isn't it weird that planes all smell stale but the same, it's like Target....but not buttery pretzels, stale thrice breathed air). Of course due to the delays there were difficulties getting the keys to the apartment we rented for the weekend (we went through I would recommend giving it a try). We were finally able to get into the building but had no time to shower before we rushed off to eat a quick meal and watch Chicago performed in the Ambassador Theater (another thing I would recommend if you ever make it out there the sound and amazing performance of "actors on Broadway were extremely impressive). Time square teemed with people as we wove in and out of groups strolling slowly staring at the stores along the way.
The next morning we slept in and started our day with an amazing tour of Chelsea Market and the meat packing district. Tasting food at the different shops along the way and learning the history of the area made New York seem more interesting every step of the way. Then off to the Museum of Modern Art, we were busy the entire time, and walking the whole time.
Central Park, Wall Street, Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Top of the Rock... So many attractions we saw and so many we missed but hopefully there will be another trip when I can have a new set of adventures in one of the largest cities I will probably ever visit.
So today I will acknowledge my inability to scrapbook by throwing away all my saved memorials from my impromptu trip.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
vacation makes blogging hard
Spending a few days in New York this past weekend I was able to step away from all of my things and see what life is like with the absolute minimum. Thinking about everything I left back in Austin I enjoyed my spontaneous vacation. However the short trip I took made it basically impossible for me to keep up with getting rid of things. Today I will donate a small pile of toys that I got in my Easter eggs last year. While these toys have not had the chance to build sentimental meaning for me yet, nor were they selected specifically for me, I always find it harder to give away new items. Maybe the idea that I could form a bond with them makes me want to hang onto them long enough to do so. Either way... these toys have been my reminder of Easter in Austin for a few months and here they go, off to someone who will enjoy taking them apart and playing with each little character as its own animal. Hopefully other vacations I go on I will be able to plan ahead and pack items I will donate so I can continue to update this while I'm gone.
On another note, I feel like I keep wanting to collect more things as I go along. And that I want to be a scrapbooker but have never had the creative spirit to get one finished in time. In New York after a harrowing adventure in the airport (of which you heard some of) I got to see Chicago performed by amazing actors and visit the statue of liberty and Wall street and take a food tour of the meatpacking district (amazing food everyoje should try this). Every place I visited and every activity I participated in gave me one or more things to save for the scrapbook I will never make....luckily cameras are mostly digital now so I don't have hundreds of printed pictures with nowhere to go.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I love getting gifts from people, especially when I know the person really tried to find something that I would like. Unfortunately, even if I don't love a gift I try to use it as much as possible because usually I learn to love things for the sentimental fact that they were given to me by an important person in my life or someone who cares about me. Today, the item I will donate was a gift from my boss. After a conference he came back with presents for everyone. I got a rubber worker ducky. While I never use rubber duckies, I don't even usually take baths, it was nice to be thought of. This ducky, still unnamed, sat on my desk at work for my last few months in an office full of people I love working with. While I am sad to see him go I will hope that someone will find him and give him a name he has been asking for since I got him. Naming is too much of a resposibility for me, what if it ends up being a horrible name in two years even though it seems great now? I don't know what I'll do if I ever decide to have children...
On a side note, I am making a spur of the moment weekend trip to New York (totally out of character for me) and find I am stuck in North Carolina for three hours waiting for a delayed connection. But they have the best restrooms here...No, not that they are especially clean or super private for everyone...they provide free mouthwash! In a squirty bottle on the counter with mini disposable cups next to the sinks there is Listerine mouhwash...I didn't have a chance to brush my teeth this morning after only an hour of sleep between celebrating a friend's last birthday in Austin :( and my flight. While mouthwash does not seem like the best thing in the world all the time, I am excited to be connecting here on the way home also!
Maybe I should save a souvenir mini cup so I have something to throw away tomorrow......